#EU institutions

“On the migration issue, Member States are hiding behind each other’s back”. An interview with Malin Björk

  • 10 Novembre 2015

  Malin Björk has been a Swedish Member of the European Parliament since 2014. She belongs to the European United Left/Nordic Green Left parliamentary group and is a very active member of the Civil Liberty, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) in Parliament. A few months ago she featured in many newspaper articles for successfully […]

“Securitization is not the answer, it’s largely part of the problem.” A chat with Pamela DeLargy, Special Advisor on migration at the UN

  • 26 Ottobre 2015

Pamela DeLargy is currently the Special Advisor for the UN Special Representative on Migration, Peter Sutherland, and has previously worked as Representative for the UN Population Fund in Sudan. Asylum Corner met her to discuss the general situation of migration in Europe and the latest developments of the EU migration policy. Asylum Corner: What is […]

Rule by fear: a bloody snapshot from Eritrea

  • 11 Settembre 2015

With a population of 416,857 (of an estimated population of 6.3 million) fleeing their country in 2014 in search of international protection, Eritrea has been awarded notorious membership of the cluster of states sending out the highest number of asylum seekers throughout the world (UNHCR data). However, the Eritrean diaspora was only granted the importance […]

The voice of the European Parliament on Migration: An interview with the MEP Cécile Kyenge

  • 13 Maggio 2015

  Asylum Corner: As co-rapporteur of the Initiative Report for Migrations in the Mediterranean Sea at the European Parliament, what do you think about the 10 points plan presented by Commissioner Avramopoulos during the Foreign Affairs Ministries meeting in Luxembourg last April? Cécile Kyenge: It is important to point out that Commissioner Avramopoulos’ agenda looks […]

The European Asylum Support Office: a dialogue with the Spokesperson Jean-Pierre Schembri

  • 13 Maggio 2015

  Following our first article on the structure and main tasks of the European Asylum Support Office, we interviewed Jean-Pierre Schembri, Spokesperson of the EASO, to satisfy our and many other people’s interest. Asylum Corner: Due to the primary importance of asylum issues in today’s European politics, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) keeps strengthening […]

An International Opinion Tribunal for the migrant victims in the Mediterranean Sea

  • 12 Maggio 2015

  “We must work on the institution of an International Opinion Tribunal for the new desaparecidos of the Mediterranean Sea”. This is the provocative call made by Enrico Calamai, former Italian vice-consul in Chile and Argentina during the dictatorship and, today, front-line activist in the field of migrants’ rights and awareness raising for the victims […]

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