Think Tanks

Digital Humanitarianism: time to scale it up?

  • 4 Novembre 2016

2015 and 2016 will probably be remembered as years fraught with astonishing technological innovations addressing the various needs of the refugee population arriving in the European Union. The flow of new avant-garde tools created by civil society organizations or individuals who are willing to provide some kind of help to asylum seekers and migrants, trying […]

“From Europe to local: Migrating Solidarity”

  • 21 Ottobre 2016

Very often, TVs and newspapers deal with asylum and migration as something that relates to the highly political spheres, such as national parliaments, governments and EU institutions. No doubt politicians at the European and national levels have the greatest say in the shaping of asylum and migration policies yet, for many other sectors, their implementation […]

Anti-migrant violence, hatred and sentiment in Europe in 2016

  • 22 Giugno 2016

  Written by ENAR, the European Network Against Racism, member of the Asylum Corner Network On the occasion of World Refugee Day, ENAR is re-launching its interactive map of incidents of racist discourse and violence against migrants in EU Member States in 2016, including demeaning speeches by politicians, violence, anti-migrant demonstrations, and discriminatory practices by […]

Muslims in Europe: Questions and Answers

  • 24 Marzo 2016

Written by ENAR, the European Network Against Racism, member of the Asylum Corner Network As anti-Muslim manifestations increase in Europe, particularly in the aftermath of the dreadful Paris and Brussels attacks, we clarify some misconceptions and answer some of the most frequent questions about Muslims in Europe. Q: Who are Muslim Europeans? Muslims have been […]

“Europe’s Gatekeeper”. Amnesty International’s insight on asylum seekers’ detention in Turkey

  • 15 Gennaio 2016

At the end of the year 2015 the European common migration policy has been dominated by the stiff conviction that, in order to solve the so called “migration crisis”, the Union should prevent them from crossing the European borders. From this perspective, the agreement signed last November 29th 2015 between the European Union and Turkey, […]

An International Opinion Tribunal for the migrant victims in the Mediterranean Sea

  • 12 Maggio 2015

  “We must work on the institution of an International Opinion Tribunal for the new desaparecidos of the Mediterranean Sea”. This is the provocative call made by Enrico Calamai, former Italian vice-consul in Chile and Argentina during the dictatorship and, today, front-line activist in the field of migrants’ rights and awareness raising for the victims […]