Countries of Origin

Tiny Gambia and the absurdity of its regime

  • 26 Maggio 2016

In 2014 and 2015 the number of asylum applications from Gambian nationals in the European Union reached figures as high as 11,500 (to be specific, 11,465 in 2015 and 11,515 in 2014. Eurostat data). Of course, when compared with the astonishing numbers of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis looking for peaceful shelter in the EU, the […]

Rule by fear: a bloody snapshot from Eritrea

  • 11 Settembre 2015

With a population of 416,857 (of an estimated population of 6.3 million) fleeing their country in 2014 in search of international protection, Eritrea has been awarded notorious membership of the cluster of states sending out the highest number of asylum seekers throughout the world (UNHCR data). However, the Eritrean diaspora was only granted the importance […]

Security in Afghanistan: a Country Report

  • 13 Maggio 2015

  Country of Origin Information (COI) reports are fundamental tools for processing asylum requests and working every day with asylum seekers. In this first article of the COI section we will provide an overview of the security situation in Afghanistan based on the last EASO’s report issued in January 2015. With 122.790 asylum applications, Afghans […]